TopGunBoat Journal: Winter 19036 min read

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TopGunBoat Journal—Table of Contents
Introduction | Spring 1901 | Fall 1901
Winter 1902 | Spring 1902 | Fall 1902
Winter 1903 | Spring 1903 | Fall 1903
Winter 1904 | Spring 1904 | Fall 1904
Winter 1905 | Spring 1905 | Fall 1905
Winter 1906 | Spring 1906 | Fall 1906
Winter 1907 | Spring 1907 | Fall 1907
Winter 1908 | Spring 1908 | Fall 1908
Winter/Spring 1909 | Fall 1909
Winter/Spring 1910 | Fall 1910
Winter/Spring 1911 | Fall 1911
1912 | Conclusion | End of Game

1902 had major ramifications for the rest of the game. What will 1903 bring?

Winter 1903 Adjudication

England: Build F lon, A edi

France: Remove A sil

Austria: Build A vie

GM Observations[1]Covering both the Fall 1902 Retreat and Winter 1903 Phases

France removed the army in Silesia. I find this to be odd since it would be more useful in attacking Germany. I suppose France is more focused on defending against Germany. This seems odd to me since Germany has to focus on defending from England. Still, France has an army in Tyrolia so that will be useful.

England choosing to disband the fleet in StP seems to be a concession to Russia (and maybe a little concern about France’s fleet in ENG). In that regard, Russia’s northern movements seem to be successful. It also allowed England to build another army, which will be more useful in attacking Germany. If England truly wants peace with Russia, England will solely focus on Germany now. However, Russia may be going after all of Scandinavia after basically abandoning the south.

I tend not to think about strategic disbands when I am playing. This is a good example of utilizing that to change course. Of course, it’s possible that a year from now (after Russia has potentially taken all of Scandinavia and built a fleet in the north coast of StP) that this will not be viewed as a good decision. I wouldn’t be surprised if Russia uses the army in Finland to take Sweden and pivots south with StP while moving Warsaw to Ukraine (to be able to re-take Sevastopol if needed).

The future of the east certainly depends on Austria’s plans. Will Austria leave Russia alone to focus on Turkey? Will Austria try to attack Russia more now and leave Turkey to survive as a smaller, marginal power? With Italy attacking Turkey, Austria is free to do anything. Italy has to be feeling a little worried about Austria growing too quickly. Could we see a stab by Italy soon?

Player Journals


This one took me a while to come up with.

While 2 fleets would maximize my options to attack against Scandanavia and Germany, it leaves me wide open to France.  An army and a fleet sounds best.

I chose F Lon and A Edi because I believe it gives me the most options for moving forward.  I have the option of forcing English Channel back or moving lon – nth following up a move from nth to either ska or hel.

I also want to address the Russian fleet disbanding.

This was either unintentional or a deliberate mis-order to create the disband.  I believe it had to be a mis-order, one that Russia will be hurt by as Austria can now walk into a Russian home center.  Perhaps with my “friendly” moves last season, he will send everyone South to defend his home the way he sent the team North to defend against me.

Even if this is the position that Russian wanted, it still would have been wiser to retreat to Sev and then remove the unit which delays the information given to the other players.

I do also have to consider the Russian is still so upset at my early attack that they are willing to give away any chance of a piece of the win just to try to keep me from the same.  I have to say that is not an expected reaction from a highly ranked player, so it brings me back to Russia just made an ordering error.


Russia is not my enemy, I have to remain focused, so Germany is my only focus point. Disband A-Sil, so I can defend my home territory better.


What the hell! That was certainly a mistake! Nothing “top gun” about that!

I had certainly intended to retreat to Sev and remove a northern unit. Without the syntax checker, I missed that as I was not careful enough.

It looks like I may well be exiting this game early. Damn!


build A-vie

I was never expecting to write a Winter entry, but what a Fall retreat!

England: F stp/nc disband – England abandons the Eastern Front. Bad news for me as those Russians are coming my way. Why, it was going to be so good?! However, a big suggestion that a France-England battle is imminent. May be good for Germany and therefore for me.

Russia: F rum NMR, DISBAND – Firstly I read this as a disband and thought Russia wants to signal complete peace with me. But it is NMR! What is a top player doing missing their Fall Retreat?! I am stunned and confused.

So, Russia is secure in the North and most likely on my case! I have a free run at RUM, so I must prepare for an anti-Russia move NOW.

Italy is my only friend (apart from maybe Germany), so I need to show good will. My GRE fleet is ready to serve Italy.

Plus Italy can help weaken Turkey.

Enjoying the mayhem.


I am really upset by the play of Russia in this game.

This is supposed to be a game of top, experienced players showing their best strategies and tactics. Instead, Russia first left his southern SCs lightly defended and, by disbanding instead of retreating, has now left his southern SCs completely undefended. I’m not sure if he has decided to give up or to just be crazy. Either way, I think it is unsportsmanlike.

It simply makes no sense! There is no longer any immediate threat to STP. Russia has traded the potential to gain an additional SC in the north for the certainty of losing a SC in the south. In the process, he is allowing Austria to grow quickly and easily, making the further loss of SCs all but certain. In the process, he has thrown me under the bus.

By handing RUM to Austria, I am certain to lose BUL. By giving SEV to Austria, I can now be attacked from all sides.

I am doomed, largely because of Russia’s crazy play. On my way out I will try to ensure that Austria gains my SCs with Italy getting none, in the vain hope that Italy will turn on Austria.

It really is sad when a player’s game is destroyed by the unsportsmanlike behaviour of another player.


1 Covering both the Fall 1902 Retreat and Winter 1903 Phases

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