TopGunBoat Journal—Table of Contents
Introduction | Spring 1901 | Fall 1901
Winter 1902 | Spring 1902 | Fall 1902
Winter 1903 | Spring 1903 | Fall 1903
Winter 1904 | Spring 1904 | Fall 1904
Winter 1905 | Spring 1905 | Fall 1905
Winter 1906 | Spring 1906 | Fall 1906
Winter 1907 | Spring 1907 | Fall 1907
Winter 1908 | Spring 1908 | Fall 1908
Winter/Spring 1909 | Fall 1909
Winter/Spring 1910 | Fall 1910
Winter/Spring 1911 | Fall 1911
1912 | Conclusion | End of Game
Will the east get resolved while England and France duke it out?
Spring 1906 Adjudication

F bal S
A pru – ber
A pru – ber (*bounce*)
F nth – eng (*bounce*)
F kie – hel
A lon – wal
F ber – kie
F nao – mao (*bounce*)
A hol S F
ber – kie
F lvp – iri
A bel S
A bur – ruh
F mao S
F bre – eng (*cut*)
A mun S
A sil – ber
A sil – ber (*bounce*)
A pic S A bel
A bur – ruh
F bre – eng (*bounce*)
A mos S
A war – lvn
A ukr – war
A war – lvn
A apu NMR
A ven S
Austria A tri
F eas – syr
F aeg – eas
A tri S
Italy A ven
A sev S
A gal – ukr
F gre H
A bul – con (*bounce*)
A rum S A sev
A vie S
A bud – gal
A gal – ukr
A bud – gal
A ank S F con
A syr – smy
F con S
A syr – smy (*cut*)
GM Observations
Italy went to Syria with a fleet while moving AEG-EAS. Presumably, this is inviting Austria to move GRE-AEG. If I was Austria, I would do that and then take CON and ANK for myself. With England and France going against each other, Austria has a chance to go for a solo if he moves fast enough.
Speaking of Austrian solo chances, Russia moved north (I assume to block England from attacking). Now, Austria only needs to guess right once and Russia is done.
England did enough to hold France off. Moving the army to Wales doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. I think England needed to convoy that army to Denmark this fall while IRI-ENG holds off France again. Perhaps England is banking on getting into MAO and convoying via IRI?
Player Journals
As expected the French built a fleet in Brest. After another look, it seems I may slowly lose in Germany if I don’t out-guess his attack. Hopefully I can force enough pressure through the seas in time.
It seems Italy and Austria are both giving France room to focus against me by their staying out of the provinces that border his Germany holdings.
England has proved to be hostile, with his second build in lvp
all forces north
If E is taking a shot at StP for the Fall, support for WAR – LVN should thwart it. Chances of losing A UKR are slim I think.
France and England are finally going after each other—the help with Germany paid off. It’s a shame England is letting Russia sit on its little triangle, although of course it suits E quite well to do so.
If only I could fake a convoy to Syria, everything would be charming, but I suppose all I can do is just send the boats all the way East and then support Gre-Aeg in the autumn. Not crazy about it, but, as is often the case, Little Green has few options
tri s vie-tyr
rum s sev
gal s pru-war
sev h
I may yet bottle this and go for a super-hedgehog move!
So, my alliance with Italy is going nowhere as we are locked against Russia/Turkey with 3 SCs each as France and England grow stronger and more chummy.
I am sorry Italy.
Time to act! (?)
My strategy here depends on Italy NOT moving back to ION to pick up the APU army. Then, it relies on France seeing the opportunity in the Med and ditching an FI alliance.
I am however supporting England to WAR because I see EA as my best long term bet. Their fleet presence in Germany is less of a worry than France’s armies. Plus if I support France, I may be surrounding myself.
Strangely, I am moving BUL-CON in the hope that Italy takes SMY. If I then take an Italian SC in the Fall, he is +/- 0, so no danger. And Turkey is -1. Good!
I am going to be really unpopular in the neighbourhood so this could go terribly wrong. I may be out of my depth here!
Spring 1906 (bottling it):
rum s sev
gre h
sev s gal-ukr
vie s bud-gal
tri s ven
Having thought further – I am going to pull back from my anti-Italian move.
Maybe if Italy gets in to Turkey and I can relieve SEV to attack Russia, things will improve.
I am staying neutral between France & England.
Maybe I’ll have to ignore Benito Mussolini – “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.”
The sheep is here and living in Salzburg with the governess and the 7 kids!
Von Trapp
Looks like France and England are going to fight it out, leaving Austria and Italy on their own.
Austria and Italy, with their hyper cautious and conservative play, are finding it difficult to figure out how to make any progress against Russia or Turkey.
The moves I have been making will continue to work until Austria hits CON instead of supporting. I will probably need to change up my moves to keep them guessing. I should probably do that in the Fall, rather than now.