TopGunBoat Journal—Table of Contents
Introduction | Spring 1901 | Fall 1901
Winter 1902 | Spring 1902 | Fall 1902
Winter 1903 | Spring 1903 | Fall 1903
Winter 1904 | Spring 1904 | Fall 1904
Winter 1905 | Spring 1905 | Fall 1905
Winter 1906 | Spring 1906 | Fall 1906
Winter 1907 | Spring 1907 | Fall 1907
Winter 1908 | Spring 1908 | Fall 1908
Winter/Spring 1909 | Fall 1909
Winter/Spring 1910 | Fall 1910
Winter/Spring 1911 | Fall 1911
1912 | Conclusion | End of Game
It seems like nothing will change (France didn’t enter a journal entry, probably for this reason). Will England succeed in getting Austria to change course?
Fall 1911 Adjudication

F fin S A stp
F mao – wes (*bounce*)
F eng C Austria
A tyr – rom
F bal S France A ber
F naf – wes (*bounce*)
A stp C Austria
A vie – nap
F tun S Austria F gre – ion (*void*)
F nth C Austria
A gal – ven
A hol H
A bur NMR
F spa/sc S F lyo
A ber S A mun (*cut*)
A mun NMR
A mar S F spa/sc
A ruh S A mun
F bre H
F lyo S A mar
A rom S A ven
A ven S Austria A pie
F tys S Austria F gre – ion (*void*)
F nap S F tys
A tyr S A pie
A gal – sil (*bounce*)
F gre S F apu – ion
A vie H
A war S A pru
A lvn S A pru
A mos S A lvn
A pru S A sil – ber
A boh – mun (*bounce*)
A sil – ber (*bounce*)
A pie S Italy A ven – tus (*void*)
F apu – ion
GM Observations
No real change as far as I can tell. Not sure what to make of ADR-ION instead of GRE-ION.
Player Journals
France pulled his fleets back so it looks like he may be on board to let Austria take out Italy.
This is about as far west as I’m likely to make it. I suppose E/F are offering Austria the three-way now, and I suppose A will take it at some point, just out of sheer boredom.
Have I even set bits yet?
mos s lvn
lvn s pru
war s pru
pru s sil-ber
tyr s pie
pie s ven-tus
gre s apu-ion
vie h
France’s recent moves suggest to me that E/F want me to attack Italy for a 3-way.
Tempting as this may be, I do not have ships in the water and can only build 1 per year in TRI. If I move against Italy, I am likely to be dominated by E/F fleets and their bond and mutual understanding seems solid.
If it opens up more, maybe I can reconsider, but I doubt E/F will withdraw too much further.
We shall see.