An Autopsy of France: Lessons from the ODC
In my match, England, Germany, and Italy cut through France like hot knives through butter. So what went wrong here for this French player?
In my match, England, Germany, and Italy cut through France like hot knives through butter. So what went wrong here for this French player?
This project has been quite a journey for me. You made it all the way to the end, so in a way you’ve been on this journey together with me.
There’s nothing I can do to force the match to continue. Although I could drag this match out a few more turns, I don’t see what that would accomplish.
The difference between ending this match with 17 centers (instead of 16) is significant because of how the tournament scoring works.
If Italy sets up the stalemate line, I’ll probably just vote draw and move on with my life.
Have Turkey and Italy decided to eliminate Austria? They might be trying to prevent Austria from throwing the game. Perhaps Italy insisted on more centers.
I really think I can’t solo win unless my rivals make a horrible mistake or I trick them somehow. I’ll keep trying for now though.
I force my opponents, every match, without exception, to keep playing until they actually assemble a true stalemate position.
I am now openly seeking a solo win. Now that I’ve attacked my longtime allies Austria and Italy, I expect those two to join up with my rival Turkey.
Grave errors by other players is, generally speaking, the only way a solo win is possible — either tactical mistakes or trusting-the-wrong-person mistakes.