War in the Americas Diplomacy Variant: Brazil Strategy
Overall, for Brazil to be successful, they must find a way to dominate South America while assuring dominance of the Atlantic.
Overall, for Brazil to be successful, they must find a way to dominate South America while assuring dominance of the Atlantic.
BrotherBored and guests discuss Diplomacy variants. Visit the BrotherBored blogSupport Your Bored Brother on Patreon If you enjoy BrotherBored’s Diplomacy Dojo, please subscribe and leave a review letting us know!… Read more »
Due to the geographically dispersed initial array of British holdings, playing Great Britain well in the early years involves hemispheric-scale diplomacy.
For the United States to be successful, a player must prevent a British/Mexican alliance from forming to survive the first year.
One of the most exciting new variants is War in the Americas (WITA). Set in the 1840’s across North, Central and South America, this variant shifts the geographic attention from Europe to the “New World” with a brand new map.
BrotherBored’s first foray into live content! This is a recording from Saturday, May 8, 2021 of a game played live on stream between BrotherBored and Kaner of Diplomacy Games, with Amby commentating.
Amby and Kaner of the Diplomacy Games podcast were kind enough to help me with a fan question from Ryan, a reader of this blog: What variants do you like,… Read more »