Online Diplomacy Championship R1 Autumn 1907
I really think I can’t solo win unless my rivals make a horrible mistake or I trick them somehow. I’ll keep trying for now though.
I really think I can’t solo win unless my rivals make a horrible mistake or I trick them somehow. I’ll keep trying for now though.
I force my opponents, every match, without exception, to keep playing until they actually assemble a true stalemate position.
I am now openly seeking a solo win. Now that I’ve attacked my longtime allies Austria and Italy, I expect those two to join up with my rival Turkey.
Grave errors by other players is, generally speaking, the only way a solo win is possible — either tactical mistakes or trusting-the-wrong-person mistakes.
What I need to do this turn is very simple: I need to make sure Austria and Italy agree to a defensive plan and then execute that plan.
I’m glad I have Austria as my partner vs. Turkey. Austria seems dependable, thoughtful, and motivated, especially considering the circumstances.
I have not played a sum-of-squares scoring game in something like 2 or 3 years, and I feel validated in my choice to avoid such matches.
The main thing on my mind is how disappointing and annoying it is to play in a tournament match, only to watch most of the players give up participating.
One backstab follows another. The mid-game board continues to develop. My hope of a solo win is reduced, but not gone.
The most effective way to manipulate someone is to state true things about that person’s self-interest that coincide with your own desires.