Online Diplomacy Championship R1 Spring 1904
I am absolutely certain that some of my readers will be emotionally devastated to behold my cold-hearted backstab of Germany.
I am absolutely certain that some of my readers will be emotionally devastated to behold my cold-hearted backstab of Germany.
This turn is a good demonstration of how letting your ally have choices or letting them think a plan “their” idea is an effective form of manipulation.
I spent an entire turn (a whole day in real time) just trying to convince my ally not to take one of my supply centers, if possible. Sheesh.
I need to keep my mind open on ways to keep Turkey contained. Austria powered up Turkey far too much, and I don’t trust Turkey.
With France and Russia dead in the water, I think we’re basically in mid-game already heading into 1903. What a match!
I leaked those orders simply to manipulate France and Russia. I think what I accomplished in this regard is at the acme of skill in Press Diplomacy.
The only kind of mistake high-level players might make is who to trust. To win a high-level game, you need someone to mistakenly trust you.
I have thoughts upon thoughts about Diplomacy matches, and I can write about these games the way other people breathe air.
In Diplomacy, decide your strategic goals and consider your tactical options, then send messages to the other players to help you accomplish those goals.
I consider England a strong power in press diplomacy, and I believe that I personally have a very strong track record with England in my press games.