The Diplomacy Double Backstab
“How do you get away with a DOUBLE backstab? Aren’t you someone’s worst enemy after you just stabbed them?” It sounds nuts, but it can work!
“How do you get away with a DOUBLE backstab? Aren’t you someone’s worst enemy after you just stabbed them?” It sounds nuts, but it can work!
This is a guide for advanced players who want to play the England/France Alliance in Gunboat Diplomacy. The article is written as advice for England.
What do experienced Diplomacy players know about Italy that beginners don’t? Perhaps they know the Adventure Strategy!
After reading BrotherBored’s gunboat journal, I am inspired to give this practice a try on my own.
How do you position yourself in the early game to go for a solo without drawing too much attention and having alliances form against you?
I’ll keep this simple. I made a video version of my ever-popular Gunboat Solo Win strategy guide.
Perceiving Italy’s position as vulnerable to a Russian attack, I decided to backstab my ally Italy and go for the win. What was my plan?
In this series of articles, I will explain why it is such a big deal to solo win as Russia in a high-level Diplomacy match—and what I believe I did to help me achieve this win. If you learn from me, you will be able to win as Russia too!
Like the legendary Trojan horse, an offer of alliance may appear to be a gift…but in reality be a trap.
A glimpse into the secret scheming of Diplomacy Strategy can be as dizzying as peering over the edge of a cliff. This post can help you keep your bearings!