The Perverse Fantasy of Heroic Killing
The Charismatic Serial Killer becomes cool by living out the fantasy of lethal violence Americans suppress. Our desire to kill precedes our justifications.
The Charismatic Serial Killer becomes cool by living out the fantasy of lethal violence Americans suppress. Our desire to kill precedes our justifications.
“The crime of murder is a most fundamental taboo and, also, perhaps, a most fundamental human impulse.” Paul G. Mattiuzzi, forsensic psychologist
Charismatic Serial Killers become “cool” by transgressing the nominal prohibition against killing in front of an audience that secretly desires killing.
Art reflect sociological facts about the society that created the art. Therefore, understanding the art gives insight into the sociology of that society.
You might think “The Silence of the Lambs” (1991) and “The Legend of Korra” (2012-2014) would have nothing in common, but you’d be wrong.