Gunboat Diplomacy Maps for Sale
Support BrotherBored by buying Gunboat Diplomacy printables! Your Bored Brother created some maps that help track the relative value of supply centers.
Support BrotherBored by buying Gunboat Diplomacy printables! Your Bored Brother created some maps that help track the relative value of supply centers.
“Would you be willing to write a list of recommended reading of both fiction and non-fiction?” -A Fan of Brotherbored
In 2020, this blog published dozens of Diplomacy articles, a podcast, video content and much more. Find out what we’ve accomplished and how we did it!
Amby and Kaner of the Diplomacy Games podcast were kind enough to help me with a fan question from Ryan, a reader of this blog: What variants do you like,… Read more »
A fan contacted me through the contact page with a question: how does one stop thinking about Diplomacy and go to sleep?
In a fit of inspiration brought on by my gaining my first ever Patreon Patron, I’ve revised the Major’s speech from Hellsing.
In the most recent issue of Diplomacy World magazine, Jason Regnier published a commentary on the first few years covered by my journal.