Diplomacy Dojo Episode 2: Russia and England, Russia and Turkey
More Russia talk! This week our players talk about playing two alliances: Russia and England, and Russia and Turkey. (Update: now with transcript!)
More Russia talk! This week our players talk about playing two alliances: Russia and England, and Russia and Turkey. (Update: now with transcript!)
Your Bored Brother and a student discuss two questions about Russia and one about France. (Update: now with transcript!)
This episode is the first in a series of conversations between BrotherBored and Chris (aka ottoploy) about using psychology and negotiation to succeed in Diplomacy, regardless of board positioning.
Some players say that Russia is Germany’s most natural ally? Is this true? Is Russia even a GOOD ally for Germany?
Today we brush the surface of a broad topic: face-to-face Diplomacy. Although Your Bored Brother is known for online Diplomacy, he’s got advice for in-person play as well!