No Berlin For Me

Looks like a stalemate.
Oh well. Two turns passed by where I could have attacked Berlin and my attack would have worked, but I played too conservatively and missed my chance.
On the plus side, Italy did cooperate with me to take Tunis, which slightly improves my likely final score by preventing Turkey's from increasing.
A Last-Ditch Effort?
It occurs to me that I still one an opportunity to increase my score, or to perhaps even attempt a solo win: I could convince Italy to take another Turkish supply center.
Italy just cooperated with me to take Tunis; perhaps Italy is hungry for one more center? Italy taking another center from Turkey would directly increase my score. Due to how the scoring is squared, my result will be better if a smaller power takes supply centers from the second-biggest power.
And if Italy does attack Turkey, just maybe, such a move will antagonize Turkey enough for me to slip into Berlin.
It's worth a shot!
Global Messages
Turkey: I ask that this game be drawn now as England cannot force a victory. In the current position the following moves ensure a stalemate line:
A Mos s Liv hold
A War s Liv hold
A Pru s Ber hold
A Sil s Ber hold
A Tyr - Mun
F ION s Tun hold
F Tus s Pie hold
F Nap s TYS hold
Should Austria for some reason decide it is better to be eliminated and get no points at all, then a similar set of moves will work. England might force his way into Berlin, Prussia and Livonia, but by that time there would be an army in Sevastopol and this variation would hold forever:
A Sev s Mos hold
A Ukr s War hold
A Gal s Sil hold
A Boh s Sil hold
Thank you.
(I have to say I like these new fonts).
Austria: Berlin doesn't plan on being suicidal.
Secret Thoughts re: Global
Tactically speaking, Turkey is right. But the game doesn't have to be drawn if Italy is willing to fight for another supply center...
Messages with Italy
I don’t see how I could solo win this match, but I do think I could reach 17 if I got Berlin. Any interest in working together so that we get a bigger share of the draw vs Turkey? I can back off my fleets so that you’re free to take, say, Rumania without worrying about me. You’ll get a bigger share of the draw for sure, and maybe or maybe not Turkey will let me have Berlin. I am pretty sure Turkey will hang on for the draw no matter what, even if you nipple another center. Even if I don’t get Berlin, it will still increase my score if you take a center from Turkey, so it’s worth it for me to help you with this even if you don’t want me to have Berlin.
If you say no, I’ll vote draw and end the match. But if you are willing to consider it, I’ll do what you need to free you up to emanate this plan. I think at the very lease you could get 1 more center off of Turkey.
Sorry, I have no choice but to say no. My score in the other game isn't really allowing me to run this risk. I hope you can understand this and vote draw.
Secret Thoughts re: Italy
I'm employing two persuasive techniques that I think are pretty powerful:
- I am explaining to Italy why it is in Italy's interest to cooperate with me. For several turns, I've had a hard time coming up with anything worth saying to Italy, Austria, or Turkey because I couldn't think of anything I could offer that would be in their interest. Here, I have a clear point: Italy could end the match with a bigger share of the draw. I'm also being forthright about why I think I have to gain from such an arrangement: the possibility of taking Berlin.
- I'm not trying to tell Italy what to do; I am saying that it is up to Italy to make the decision. When a person doesn't feel pressured, that person tends to be less suspicious and less stubborn.
Too bad though; I wasn't able to convince Italy.
Time to Vote Draw
I do believe this match is over. I don't think Turkey will do anything different unless Italy acts first. I don't think Austria will budge. And I believe Italy that Italy isn't willing to take any further risks.
There's nothing I can do to force the match to continue. Although I could probably drag this match out a few more turns until the moderators force the match to end in a draw, I don't see what that would accomplish for me here. I am not sadistic, and I have better things to do with my time (like concentrate on my other round 1 tournament match, which is just starting to get interesting!).
I'll vote draw, end the match, and then write up a final analysis of the game in a separate entry to follow this one.