War in the Americas Diplomacy Variant: Brazil Strategy
Overall, for Brazil to be successful, they must find a way to dominate South America while assuring dominance of the Atlantic.
Overall, for Brazil to be successful, they must find a way to dominate South America while assuring dominance of the Atlantic.
Tommy Anderson shares advice for getting along with your fellow players during a match of Diplomacy. Participate in future Masterclass sessions by joining the vWDC Discord server https://discord.gg/jbdZtRFMTA ★ Support… Read more »
BrotherBored and guests discuss Diplomacy variants. Visit the BrotherBored blogSupport Your Bored Brother on Patreon If you enjoy BrotherBored’s Diplomacy Dojo, please subscribe and leave a review letting us know!… Read more »
David Maletsky explains how to identify play styles, in yourself and in your rivals. Participate in future Masterclass sessions by joining the vWDC Discord server https://discord.gg/jbdZtRFMTA Visit the BrotherBored blogSupport Your… Read more »
BrotherBored and Rony discuss guidelines for finding allies in the beginning of a game. Visit the BrotherBored blogSupport Your Bored Brother on Patreon If you enjoy BrotherBored’s Diplomacy Dojo, please… Read more »
05:38 When is Austria too strong?10:15 How and why to menace France early – “In Gunboat Diplomacy, as almost any power, I would like to see France get off to… Read more »
Tips on negotiating in Diplomacy and in life. Visit the BrotherBored blogSupport Your Bored Brother on Patreon If you enjoy BrotherBored’s Diplomacy Dojo, please subscribe and leave a review letting… Read more »
Your Bored Brother and Ben (aka BunnyGo) discuss the BrotherBored Gunboat League, and a system for players to select their powers in a league game. Visit the BrotherBored blogSupport Your… Read more »
Due to the geographically dispersed initial array of British holdings, playing Great Britain well in the early years involves hemispheric-scale diplomacy.
Support BrotherBored by buying Gunboat Diplomacy printables! Your Bored Brother created some maps that help track the relative value of supply centers.