Orange marks the 17 “Northern” centers and surrounding areas. Green marks the 17 “Southern” centers and surrounding areas. Gray colors the no-man’s-land in between the “North” and “South.”
Orange is “North” and green is “South”
Northern Supply Centers: Portugal, Spain, Marseilles, Paris, Brest, Belgium, Munich, Berlin, Kiel, Holland, Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway, Sweden, and St. Petersburg.
Northern Territories: Gascony, Burgundy, Picardy, Ruhr, Wales, Yorkshire, Clyde, and Finland.
No-man’s Land of Neutral Territories in between North and South: Livonia, Prussia, Silesia, Bohemia, Tyrolia, Piedmont, and North Africa.
Southern Supply Centers: Tunis, Naples, Rome, Venice, Trieste, Vienna, Greece, Serbia, Budapest, Vienna, Bulgaria, Rumania, Warsaw, Smyrna, Constantinople, Ankara, Sevastapol, and Moscow.
Southern Territories: Apulia, Tuscany, Albania, Galicia, Ukraine, Syria, and Armenia.
Orange marks the 17 “Northern” centers and surrounding areas. Green marks the 17 “Southern” centers and surrounding areas. Gray colors the no-man’s-land in between the “North” and “South.”